Tag: streamlit

Image processing using Streamlit

In this article, we will see how we can use Streamlit with Image Processing Techniques and Object Detection Algorithms. I am assuming that you have Streamlit installed and working on your system. If you do not know how to start with streamlit then you can refer to my previous article where I have explained it in brief.

I have also deployed this streamlit app on Streamlit Sharing. You can have a look at it before reading the article further.

Here is the link: Image Processing using Streamlit

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Data Visualization using Streamlit

Streamlit’s open-source app frameworkisthe easiest way for data scientists and machine learning engineers to create beautiful, performant apps in only a few hours! All in pure Python. All for free.


Recently, I came across an open source framework — Streamlit which is used to create data apps. So I spent some time on the documentation and did some data visualization on a Food Demand Forecasting Dataset.

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