Round 1: Technical and Coding
Normal introduction questions like tell me about your current work experience and Where are you currently living.
Continue readingRound 1: Technical and Coding
Normal introduction questions like tell me about your current work experience and Where are you currently living.
Continue readingJob Role: Java Developer
YoE: 2 years
1. What if A class implements serializable interface and B class extends A then does it mean that B is also serializable ?
2. What is optional class?
3. What is volatile keyword?
Continue readingRound 1
1. Have you worked on hibernate, JPA,Mutithreading , Stream API ,
2. What is comparable and comparator
3. Program to write two sum.
Given an array there will be target addition of two digits should be target and return array of indexes of those two digits
Continue readingRound 1
1. Exception controller annotation in spring boot
2. What’s the use of configuration annotation?
3. What is entity annotation?
4. What’s the real case use of your work that you are using in projects?
Continue readingJob Role: Java Developer
1. What is callable?
2. What is concurrent hashmap? Have you used anything related to concurrency?
3. Print first character which is non repetitive in string
4. What if we have two beans and if we want to inject both of them what will you use in dependency injection concept?
Continue readingRound 1
1.) Fibonacci series program (also asked what’s Armstrong number )
2.) How services interact in micro services
3.) What is composition in java?
4.) Can you skip writing spring boot application annotation in spring boot app?
Continue readingLocation: Pune
YoE: 2 years
Job Role: Software Engineer – Java
Technical Round 1
YoE: 2 years
Job Role: Java Developer
Aptitude: 10-12 MCQs (simple maths, programming, DSA), 2 coding questions (2
2 interview rounds
First round: (1 hour)
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