Round 1: Technical and Coding

Normal introduction questions like tell me about your current work experience and Where are you currently living.

  • What is constructor in JAVA?
  • Explain Constructor overloading.
  • What will happen if I call same constructor in constructor?
  • String based snippets.
  • Puzzle : There are four man A,B,C and D trying to cross the river bridge at night. Each of them is required 1, 2, 5 and 8 units time to cross the river bridge.
    • Conditions for crossing the bridge :
      • Only 2 person can cross the bridge simultaneously.
      • Every time while crossing the bridge any one person must have a torch in his/her hand.
      • There is only one torch.
      • If two person are crossing the bridge then maximum time of their individual time will be consider. For ex. If A and D are crossing the time then 8 units time will be taken to cross the bridge.
  • Find the number of consecutive numbers in an array. For ex. arr[0,2,3,4,0,3] then return 3 as 2,3,4, are the consecutive numbers. for arr[1,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1,0] return 6 as 6,5,4,3,2,1,0 are the longest consecutive numbers.
  • What is collection framework in java.
  • OOPS concept.
  • How Hashtable internally works?

Round 2: Coding
Level: Medium

It was a live coding round. You can expect coding question based on Array, String, Graph. Always remember explain what are you thinking and how are you going to code. They were allowing to use any IDE but I used Notepad. Write readable code and listen to live instructions given by the interviewer. He may ask you to change the logic anytime.

Puzzle: Milk man puzzle: You are selling milk without any measuring instrument with you. You have two containers of 10 litres each filled with milk. Now 2 customers came with 4 and 5 litres containers. You have to sell 4 litres of milk to each customer. Please explain the solution without saying a word in iterative manner. NOTE: you can use notepad.

Round 3: Coding with Managerial
Level: Hard

  • How are you ? Tell me about yourself.
  • Do you know Sudoku ?
  • Open and solve the sudoku in 5 mins. (I completed it in 2.36 mins)
  • Now can you build the java application which takes 9×9 matrix as sudoku entries and provide solution of that sudoku ? – At first time I was like shocked but then I gave it try and in 36 mins I completed the sudoku app with all required optimisation.
  • What is current CTC ?
  • What is your expectation? – Tell about your desired role instead of telling the exact salary figure. let them come with the figure then negotiate if you think you deserve more.