Aptitude: 10-12 MCQs (simple maths, programming, DSA), 2 coding questions (2
2 interview rounds
First round: (1 hour)
- Tell me about yourself.
- Tell me about your project in the current company.
- What are the terminal operators in java 8?
- What are the functional and default interfaces in java 8?
- Difference between comparable and comparator interface? When to use
what? What will we use for sorting? Why? - What are lambda expressions in java 8?
- How are lambda expressions implemented in java 8?
- How does stream APIs work in java 8?
- How to create a new application in Angular?
- What is two way binding in angular?
- What are directives in angular?
- How to create a component and service in Angular?
- How to use HTTP get, post requests in Angular?
- How to use a service inside a component in Angular?
- How to accept an input inside a component in Angular?
- What is the CORS issue in Angular?
- When we do npm install, where do all the installations reside?
- What is the difference between npm and node js?
- What is node js?
- Where are dependencies stored in angular?
- What is the difference between string literal vs new String() in java?
- Why is string immutable in java?
- If we create a string on the heap, how to convert that to a string literal in
java? (intern method) - Difference between the linked hash set and the tree hash set in java?
- If we insert a user-defined class object as a member of HashSet will the
elements(objects) be unique elements in java? Answer: No, we need to
override a method to implement our logic as we have a user-defined
object. - What is the difference between list iterator vs normal iterator in java?
- Super keyword vs super method in java?
- What is static in java?
- Can we override static method in java?
- Can interface methods be static in java?
- Can we have concrete methods in an interface in java?
- What is synchronisedMap() method in java and how is it implemented?
- This method vs this keyword in java?
- How is hashmap implemented in java?
- What do you know about instance of operator in java?
- What are the types of exceptions in java and what are the examples of
each and what is the difference between error and exception? - What is a custom exception in java and how it can be implemented?
Can we use throw new MyCustomException() without extending the
Exception class while declaring MyCustomException class? - Can we override an overloaded method in java?
- Difference between clustered vs non clustered indexes in the
database? - How to find the 5th largest salary in SQL without using limit/fetch-offset?
- Types of joins available in SQL?
- In AWS, if we have an EC2 instance how to make the IP address
private from the EC2 console?
Few other questions…
Round 2: (45 mins)
- Tell me about yourself
- Explain any project related to java, angular
- If you have the data in elastic search then how to bring that data to UI?
- What is the difference between collections and streams API in java 8?
- What is lambda expression in java 8?
- How to find duplicate records in a table in a database?
- If a base class is throwing a null pointer exception, can we override the
derived class that throws a runtime exception? - What are the problems/errors/issues while multithreading is performed?
- String vs string builder vs string buffer in java?
- When we call System.exit() method in try block does finally block gets
executed? - What is a marker interface in java?
- Sum(salary) of a particular department in java after we do select * and
move all the records in java? - In angular, what is local storage? Like if we do not want to store the
data in DB and show it to the user when he logins next time? - How to deal with out of memory error in java?
- How to pass data from component to component in Angular?
- If we have a fresh system, how to make a new project? Steps for
angular installation till running that angular application. - Difference between the onInit method vs constructor in Angular?
- Why are services injected in the constructor and not in the onInit
method? - What is dependency inversion in Angular?
- What is a view in the database?
- If we update a view then what exactly gets updated (DB)?
- If we have a primary key and foreign key relationship between the two
tables then how deleting a record from each table will affect the
relationship? (on delete cascade) - Difference between association, composition, aggregation in java?
- Difference between collection and collections in java?
Few other questions…
Other questions:
- Why do you want to leave the current company? If you will get similar work
then what will you do? - In your personal time, what projects/technologies are you working on? Do
you have any proof of concepts around the same? - Difference between final, finally, finalize in java?
- Can we have an empty catch block in java?
Do complete research of the company and go through its website to understand
the business, the brand logo, it’s vision, future steps, recognitions, facts, etc.
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